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All replacements for APPNET OS Apps can be found or stored in this directory.

The extends.php file can also be found here.
This file is created at runtime by APPNET OS and should not be deleted or edited.
If an app extends classes, the order of the overloads is saved in this file.
Please be sure to read the documentation for this file.

APPNET OS makes it possible to adapt all apps without having to edit the app itself.
All classes, template files and string files can be replaced.
There are two ways to replace app files.
A replacement of all installations of an app or a replacement based on the app ID, in which, in the case of multiple installations, only the app with the corresponding ID is changed.
Replacement of files for all installations of an app
If an app is installed multiple times and is used multiple times, the data of the app can be replaced for all installations without having to edit the app itself.
To do this, the app path up to the file must be reproduced in the custom directory.
The example shows how you can reproduce the path to replace a file.
Please note that when replacing a class, the methods of the original class should be available, otherwise errors can result.
In general, classes should not be completely replaced, as you can easily expand them with APPNET OS Evil Extend.

Example source file:

Example replacement file:

This example replaces the navbar.tpl file for all installations of the app.
Replacement of files of a specific installation of an app via the app ID
You can also only replace files from a specific installation of an app.
For this, a subdirectory with the app ID must be in the custom directory.
The path to the file must then be reproduced in this directory.
When replacing via the app ID, however, the app directory starts directly.
For the example we will use the Navbar app with the app ID 102.

Example source file:

Example replacement file:

In this example, the file navbar.tpl for the app with the app ID 102 is replaced.